C++ API for different matrix representations
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ctatami::ArrayView< T >View into a pre-allocated array
 Ctatami::BlockSparsifiedWrapper< oracle_, Value_, Index_ >Wrap a block dense extractor in the sparse interface
 Ctatami::CompressedSparseContents< Value_, Index_, Pointer_ >Compressed sparse contents
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< op_ >Delayed binary isometric arithmetic
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean< op_ >Delayed binary isometric boolean operations
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< op_ >Delayed binary isometric comparison
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvancedAdvanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockBasicBasic mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAbs< InputValue_ >Take the absolute value of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAcos< InputValue_ >Take the inverse cosine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAcosh< InputValue_ >Take the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< op_, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ >Delayed unary isometric scalar arithmetic
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< op_, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ >Delayed unary isometric vector arithmetic
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAsin< InputValue_ >Take the inverse sine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAsinh< InputValue_ >Take the inverse hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAtan< InputValue_ >Take the inverse tangent of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricAtanh< InputValue_ >Take the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanCastDelayed unary isometric boolean cast
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNotDelayed unary isometric boolean NOT operation
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar< op_ >Delayed unary isometric scalar boolean operation
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< op_, Vector_ >Delayed unary isometric vector boolean operations
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricCeiling< InputValue_ >Take the ceiling of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< op_, InputValue_ >Delayed scalar comparison
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< op_, InputValue_, Vector_ >Delayed vector comparisons
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricCos< InputValue_ >Take the cosine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricCosh< InputValue_ >Take the hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricExp< InputValue_ >Use a matrix entry as an exponent
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricExpm1< InputValue_ >Use a matrix entry as an exponent minus 1
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricFloor< InputValue_ >Take the floor of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricGamma< InputValue_ >Apply the gamma function to a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricLgamma< InputValue_ >Apply the log-gamma function to a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricLog< InputValue_, Base_ >Take the logarithm of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricLog1p< InputValue_, Base_ >Take the logarithm of a matrix entry plus 1
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricMockAdvancedAdvanced mock operation for DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricMockBasicBasic mock operation for a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricRound< InputValue_ >Round a matrix entry to the nearest integer
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSign< InputValue_ >Take the sign of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSin< InputValue_ >Take the sine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSinh< InputValue_ >Take the hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< op_, pass_, InputValue_ >Delayed special value comparison
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< op_, pass_, Value_ >Delayed special value substitution
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSqrt< InputValue_ >Take the square root of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< op_, Value_ >Delayed scalar substitution
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< op_, Value_, Vector_ >Delayed vector comparisons
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricTan< InputValue_ >Take the tangent of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricTanh< InputValue_ >Take the hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricTrunc< InputValue_ >Integer truncation of a matrix entry
 Ctatami::FragmentedSparseContents< Value_, Index_ >Fragmented sparse contents
 Ctatami::FullSparsifiedWrapper< oracle_, Value_, Index_ >Wrap a full dense extractor in the sparse interface
 Ctatami::has_data< T, V, typename >Compile time check for the data() method
 Ctatami::has_data< T, V, decltype((void) std::declval< V >().data(), 0)>Compile time check for the data() method
 Ctatami::IndexSparsifiedWrapper< oracle_, Value_, Index_ >Wrap an indexed dense extractor in the sparse interface
 Ctatami::SomeNumericArray< Value_ >::IteratorRandom-access iterator class
 Ctatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ >Virtual class for a matrix
 Ctatami::Matrix< OutputValue_, Index_ >
 Ctatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >Delayed isometric operations on two matrices
 Ctatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >Delayed isometric operation on a single matrix
 Ctatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ >
 Ctatami::CompressedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, std::vector< Value_ >, std::vector< Index_ >, std::vector< size_t > >
 Ctatami::DenseMatrix< Value_, Index_, std::vector< Value_ > >
 Ctatami::FragmentedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, std::vector< std::vector< Value_ > >, std::vector< std::vector< Index_ > > >
 Ctatami::CompressedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueStorage_, IndexStorage_, PointerStorage_ >Compressed sparse matrix representation
 Ctatami::CompressedSparseColumnMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueStorage_, IndexStorage_, PointerStorage_ >Compressed sparse column matrix
 Ctatami::CompressedSparseRowMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueStorage_, IndexStorage_, PointerStorage_ >Compressed sparse row matrix
 Ctatami::ConstantMatrix< Value_, Index_ >Matrix containing a constant value
 Ctatami::DelayedBind< Value_, Index_ >Delayed combining of a matrix
 Ctatami::DelayedSubset< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >Delayed subsetting of a matrix with general indices
 Ctatami::DelayedSubsetBlock< Value_, Index_ >Delayed subsetting to a contiguous block
 Ctatami::DelayedSubsetSorted< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted indices
 Ctatami::DelayedSubsetSortedUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted, unique indices
 Ctatami::DelayedSubsetUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >Delayed subsetting of a matrix with unique indices
 Ctatami::DelayedTranspose< Value_, Index_ >Delayed transposition of a matrix
 Ctatami::DenseMatrix< Value_, Index_, Storage_ >Dense matrix representation
 Ctatami::DenseColumnMatrix< Value_, Index_, Storage_ >Dense column-major matrix
 Ctatami::DenseRowMatrix< Value_, Index_, Storage_ >Dense row-major matrix
 Ctatami::FragmentedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueVectorStorage_, IndexVectorStorage_ >Fragmented sparse matrix representation
 Ctatami::FragmentedSparseColumnMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueVectorStorage_, IndexVectorStorage_ >Fragmented sparse column matrix
 Ctatami::FragmentedSparseRowMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueVectorStorage_, IndexVectorStorage_ >Fragmented sparse row matrix
 Ctatami::Matrix< ValueOut_, IndexOut_ >
 Ctatami::DelayedCast< ValueOut_, IndexOut_, ValueIn_, IndexIn_ >Recast a Matrix to a different interface type
 Ctatami::MyopicDenseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form without an oracle
 Ctatami::MyopicSparseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form without an oracle
 Ctatami::OptionsOptions for accessing data from a Matrix instance
 Ctatami::Oracle< Index_ >Predict future access requests on the target dimension
 Ctatami::ConsecutiveOracle< Index_ >Predict future accesses along a consecutive sequence
 Ctatami::FixedVectorOracle< Index_ >Predict future accesses from a vector containing a fixed sequence
 Ctatami::FixedViewOracle< Index_ >Predict future accesses from a view on a fixed sequence
 Ctatami::OracularDenseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form with an oracle
 Ctatami::PseudoOracularDenseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Mimic the OracularDenseExtractor interface
 Ctatami::OracularSparseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form with an oracle
 Ctatami::PseudoOracularSparseExtractor< Value_, Index_ >Mimic the OracularSparseExtractor interface
 Ctatami::SomeNumericArray< Value_ >Array of some numeric type, determined at runtime
 Ctatami::SparseRange< Value_, Index_ >A range of a sparse vector