C++ API for different matrix representations
Flexible representations for matrix data. More...
Classes | |
class | ArrayView |
View into a pre-allocated array. More... | |
class | BlockSparsifiedWrapper |
Wrap a block dense extractor in the sparse interface. More... | |
class | CompressedSparseColumnMatrix |
Compressed sparse column matrix. More... | |
struct | CompressedSparseContents |
Compressed sparse contents. More... | |
class | CompressedSparseMatrix |
Compressed sparse matrix representation. More... | |
struct | CompressedSparseMatrixOptions |
Options for the CompressedSparseMatrix . More... | |
class | CompressedSparseRowMatrix |
Compressed sparse row matrix. More... | |
class | ConsecutiveOracle |
Predict future accesses along a consecutive sequence. More... | |
class | ConstantMatrix |
Matrix containing a constant value. More... | |
struct | ConvertToCompressedSparseOptions |
Options for convert_to_compressed_sparse() . More... | |
struct | ConvertToDenseOptions |
Options for convert_to_dense() . More... | |
struct | ConvertToFragmentedSparseOptions |
Options for convert_to_fragmented_sparse() . More... | |
struct | CountCompressedSparseNonZerosOptions |
Options for count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros() . More... | |
class | DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic |
Delayed binary isometric arithmetic. More... | |
struct | DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean |
Delayed binary isometric boolean operations. More... | |
struct | DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare |
Delayed binary isometric comparison. More... | |
class | DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced |
Advanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation . More... | |
class | DelayedBinaryIsometricMockBasic |
Basic mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation . More... | |
class | DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation |
Delayed isometric operations on two matrices. More... | |
class | DelayedBind |
Delayed combining of a matrix. More... | |
class | DelayedCast |
Recast a Matrix to a different interface type. More... | |
class | DelayedSubset |
Delayed subsetting of a matrix with general indices. More... | |
class | DelayedSubsetBlock |
Delayed subsetting to a contiguous block. More... | |
class | DelayedSubsetSorted |
Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted indices. More... | |
class | DelayedSubsetSortedUnique |
Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted, unique indices. More... | |
class | DelayedSubsetUnique |
Delayed subsetting of a matrix with unique indices. More... | |
class | DelayedTranspose |
Delayed transposition of a matrix. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAbs |
Take the absolute value of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAcos |
Take the inverse cosine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAcosh |
Take the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar |
Delayed unary isometric scalar arithmetic. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector |
Delayed unary isometric vector arithmetic. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAsin |
Take the inverse sine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAsinh |
Take the inverse hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAtan |
Take the inverse tangent of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricAtanh |
Take the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanCast |
Delayed unary isometric boolean cast. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNot |
Delayed unary isometric boolean NOT operation. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar |
Delayed unary isometric scalar boolean operation. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector |
Delayed unary isometric vector boolean operations. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricCeiling |
Take the ceiling of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar |
Delayed scalar comparison. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector |
Delayed vector comparisons. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricCos |
Take the cosine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricCosh |
Take the hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricExp |
Use a matrix entry as an exponent. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricExpm1 |
Use a matrix entry as an exponent minus 1. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricFloor |
Take the floor of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricGamma |
Apply the gamma function to a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricLgamma |
Apply the log-gamma function to a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricLog |
Take the logarithm of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricLog1p |
Take the logarithm of a matrix entry plus 1. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricMockAdvanced |
Advanced mock operation for DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation . More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricMockBasic |
Basic mock operation for a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation . More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation |
Delayed isometric operation on a single matrix. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricRound |
Round a matrix entry to the nearest integer. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSign |
Take the sign of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSin |
Take the sine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSinh |
Take the hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare |
Delayed special value comparison. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute |
Delayed special value substitution. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSqrt |
Take the square root of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar |
Delayed scalar substitution. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector |
Delayed vector comparisons. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricTan |
Take the tangent of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricTanh |
Take the hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DelayedUnaryIsometricTrunc |
Integer truncation of a matrix entry. More... | |
class | DenseColumnMatrix |
Dense column-major matrix. More... | |
class | DenseMatrix |
Dense matrix representation. More... | |
class | DenseRowMatrix |
Dense row-major matrix. More... | |
struct | FillCompressedSparseContentsOptions |
Options for fill_compressed_sparse_contents() . More... | |
class | FixedVectorOracle |
Predict future accesses from a vector containing a fixed sequence. More... | |
class | FixedViewOracle |
Predict future accesses from a view on a fixed sequence. More... | |
class | FragmentedSparseColumnMatrix |
Fragmented sparse column matrix. More... | |
struct | FragmentedSparseContents |
Fragmented sparse contents. More... | |
class | FragmentedSparseMatrix |
Fragmented sparse matrix representation. More... | |
struct | FragmentedSparseMatrixOptions |
Options for FragmentedSparseMatrix() . More... | |
class | FragmentedSparseRowMatrix |
Fragmented sparse row matrix. More... | |
class | FullSparsifiedWrapper |
Wrap a full dense extractor in the sparse interface. More... | |
struct | has_data |
Compile time check for the data() method. More... | |
struct | has_data< T, V, decltype((void) std::declval< V >().data(), 0)> |
Compile time check for the data() method. More... | |
class | IndexSparsifiedWrapper |
Wrap an indexed dense extractor in the sparse interface. More... | |
class | Matrix |
Virtual class for a matrix. More... | |
class | MyopicDenseExtractor |
Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form without an oracle. More... | |
class | MyopicSparseExtractor |
Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form without an oracle. More... | |
struct | Options |
Options for accessing data from a Matrix instance. More... | |
class | Oracle |
Predict future access requests on the target dimension. More... | |
class | OracularDenseExtractor |
Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form with an oracle. More... | |
class | OracularSparseExtractor |
Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form with an oracle. More... | |
struct | PseudoOracularDenseExtractor |
Mimic the OracularDenseExtractor interface. More... | |
struct | PseudoOracularSparseExtractor |
Mimic the OracularSparseExtractor interface. More... | |
struct | RetrieveCompressedSparseContentsOptions |
Options for retrieve_compressed_sparse_contents() . More... | |
struct | RetrieveFragmentedSparseContentsOptions |
Options for retrieve_fragmented_sparse_contents() . More... | |
class | SomeNumericArray |
Array of some numeric type, determined at runtime. More... | |
struct | SparseRange |
A range of a sparse vector. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<bool oracle_, typename Value_ , typename Index_ > | |
using | DenseExtractor = typename std::conditional<oracle_, OracularDenseExtractor<Value_, Index_>, MyopicDenseExtractor<Value_, Index_> >::type |
template<bool oracle_, typename Value_ , typename Index_ > | |
using | SparseExtractor = typename std::conditional<oracle_, OracularSparseExtractor<Value_, Index_>, MyopicSparseExtractor<Value_, Index_> >::type |
template<typename Index_ > | |
using | VectorPtr = std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<Index_> > |
using | NumericMatrix = Matrix<double, int> |
template<class Array_ > | |
using | ElementType = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(std::declval<Array_>()[0])>::type>::type |
template<bool oracle_, typename Index_ > | |
using | MaybeOracle = typename std::conditional<oracle_, std::shared_ptr<const Oracle<Index_> >, bool>::type |
Enumerations | |
enum class | DimensionSelectionType : char { FULL , BLOCK , INDEX } |
enum class | ArithmeticOperation : char { ADD , SUBTRACT , MULTIPLY , DIVIDE , POWER , MODULO , INTEGER_DIVIDE } |
enum class | BooleanOperation : char { AND , OR , XOR , EQUAL } |
enum class | SpecialCompareOperation : char { ISNAN , ISINF , ISFINITE } |
enum | SomeNumericType { I8 , U8 , I16 , U16 , I32 , U32 , I64 , U64 , F32 , F64 } |
Functions | |
template<typename StoredValue_ , typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
void | convert_to_dense (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row_major, StoredValue_ *store, const ConvertToDenseOptions &options) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename StoredValue_ = Value_, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | convert_to_dense (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row_major, const ConvertToDenseOptions &options) |
template<typename Input_ , typename Output_ > | |
void | transpose (const Input_ *input, size_t nrow, size_t ncol, size_t input_stride, Output_ *output, size_t output_stride) |
template<typename Input_ , typename Output_ > | |
void | transpose (const Input_ *input, size_t nrow, size_t ncol, Output_ *output) |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::ADD > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricAdd () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::SUBTRACT > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricSubtract () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::MULTIPLY > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricMultiply () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::DIVIDE > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricDivide () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::POWER > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricPower () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::MODULO > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricModulo () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic< ArithmeticOperation::INTEGER_DIVIDE > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricIntegerDivide () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean< BooleanOperation::EQUAL > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricBooleanEqual () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean< BooleanOperation::AND > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricBooleanAnd () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean< BooleanOperation::OR > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricBooleanOr () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean< BooleanOperation::XOR > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricBooleanXor () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::EQUAL > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricEqual () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricGreaterThan () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricLessThan () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricGreaterThanOrEqual () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricLessThanOrEqual () |
DelayedBinaryIsometricCompare< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricNotEqual () |
template<typename OutputValue_ = double, typename InputValue_ , typename Index_ , class Operation_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< OutputValue_, Index_ > > | make_DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation (std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > left, std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > right, Operation_ op) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::ADD, true, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricAddScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::SUBTRACT, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubtractScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::MULTIPLY, true, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricMultiplyScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricDivideScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::POWER, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricPowerScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::MODULO, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricModuloScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Scalar_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::INTEGER_DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIntegerDivideScalar (Scalar_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::ADD, true, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricAddVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::SUBTRACT, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubtractVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::MULTIPLY, true, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricMultiplyVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricDivideVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::POWER, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricPowerVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::MODULO, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricModuloVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool right_, typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::INTEGER_DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIntegerDivideVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNot | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNot () |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar< BooleanOperation::AND > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanAndScalar (bool scalar) |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar< BooleanOperation::OR > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanOrScalar (bool scalar) |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar< BooleanOperation::XOR > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanXorScalar (bool scalar) |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar< BooleanOperation::EQUAL > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanEqualScalar (bool scalar) |
template<typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::AND, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanAndVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::OR, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanOrVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::XOR, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanXorVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::EQUAL, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanEqualVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::EQUAL, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricEqualScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanOrEqualScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanOrEqualScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricNotEqualScalar (InputValue_ scalar) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricEqualVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanOrEqualVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanOrEqualVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<typename InputValue_ = double, typename Vector_ > | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricNotEqualVector (Vector_ vector, bool by_row) |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISNAN, pass_, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsnan () |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISINF, pass_, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsinf () |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename InputValue_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISFINITE, pass_, InputValue_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsfinite () |
template<typename OutputValue_ = double, typename InputValue_ , typename Index_ , class Operation_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< OutputValue_, Index_ > > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation (std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > matrix, Operation_ operation) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::EQUAL, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteEqualScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanOrEqualScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanOrEqualScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteNotEqualScalar (Value_ compared, Value_ substitute) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteEqualVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanOrEqualVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanOrEqualVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Vector_ = std::vector<Value_>> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteNotEqualVector (Vector_ compared, Vector_ substitute, bool by_row) |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISNAN, pass_, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsnan (Value_ substitute) |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISINF, pass_, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsinf (Value_ substitute) |
template<bool pass_ = true, typename Value_ = double> | |
DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISFINITE, pass_, Value_ > | make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsfinite (Value_ substitute) |
template<typename ValueOut_ , typename IndexOut_ , typename ValueIn_ , typename IndexIn_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< ValueOut_, IndexOut_ > > | make_DelayedCast (std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< ValueIn_, IndexIn_ > > p) |
template<class Values_ , class RowIndices_ , class ColumnIndices_ > | |
std::vector< size_t > | compress_sparse_triplets (size_t nrow, size_t ncol, Values_ &values, RowIndices_ &row_indices, ColumnIndices_ &column_indices, bool csr) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Count_ > | |
void | count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, bool row, Count_ *output, const CountCompressedSparseNonZerosOptions &options) |
template<typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ , typename Pointer_ , typename StoredValue_ , typename StoredIndex_ > | |
void | fill_compressed_sparse_contents (const tatami::Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row, const Pointer_ *pointers, StoredValue_ *output_value, StoredIndex_ *output_index, const FillCompressedSparseContentsOptions &options) |
template<typename StoredValue_ , typename StoredIndex_ , typename StoredPointer_ = size_t, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
CompressedSparseContents< StoredValue_, StoredIndex_, StoredPointer_ > | retrieve_compressed_sparse_contents (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row, const RetrieveCompressedSparseContentsOptions &options) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename StoredValue_ = Value_, typename StoredIndex_ = Index_, typename StoredPointer_ = size_t, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | convert_to_compressed_sparse (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row, const ConvertToCompressedSparseOptions &options) |
template<typename StoredValue_ , typename StoredIndex_ , typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
FragmentedSparseContents< StoredValue_, StoredIndex_ > | retrieve_fragmented_sparse_contents (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row, const RetrieveFragmentedSparseContentsOptions &options) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename StoredValue_ = Value_, typename StoredIndex_ = Index_, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | convert_to_fragmented_sparse (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > &matrix, bool row, const ConvertToFragmentedSparseOptions &options) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | make_DelayedSubsetBlock (std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > matrix, Index_ subset_start, Index_ subset_length, bool by_row) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , class SubsetStorage_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | make_DelayedSubset (std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > matrix, SubsetStorage_ subset, bool by_row) |
template<bool sparse_, typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename ... Args_> | |
auto | consecutive_extractor (const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, bool row, Index_ iter_start, Index_ iter_length, Args_ &&... args) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Size_ > | |
Value_ * | copy_n (const Value_ *input, Size_ n, Value_ *output) |
template<bool sparse_, bool oracle_, typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename ... Args_> | |
auto | new_extractor (const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, bool row, MaybeOracle< oracle_, Index_ > oracle, Args_ &&... args) |
template<bool parallel_ = true, class Function_ , typename Index_ > | |
void | parallelize (Function_ fun, Index_ tasks, int threads) |
template<typename Index_ , class Function_ > | |
void | process_consecutive_indices (const Index_ *indices, Index_ length, Function_ fun) |
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ > | |
std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | wrap_shared_ptr (const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > *ptr) |
Flexible representations for matrix data.
using tatami::DenseExtractor = typename std::conditional<oracle_, OracularDenseExtractor<Value_, Index_>, MyopicDenseExtractor<Value_, Index_> >::type |
oracle_ | Whether to use an oracle-aware interface. |
Value_ | Data value type, should be numeric. |
Index_ | Row/column index type, should be integer. |
Type alias that switches between OracularDenseExtractor
and MyopicDenseExtractor
depending on oracle_
. Intended for templated class definitions, where setting oracle_
can define subclasses for both interfaces.
using tatami::SparseExtractor = typename std::conditional<oracle_, OracularSparseExtractor<Value_, Index_>, MyopicSparseExtractor<Value_, Index_> >::type |
oracle_ | Whether to use an oracle-aware interface. |
Value_ | Data value type, should be numeric. |
Index_ | Row/column index type, should be integer. |
Type alias that switches between OracularSparseExtractor
and MyopicSparseExtractor
depending on oracle_
. Intended for templated class definitions, where setting oracle_
can define subclasses for both interfaces.
using tatami::VectorPtr = std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<Index_> > |
Index | Row/column index type, should be integer. |
Pointer to a vector, typically containing unique and sorted indices. We use a shared pointer so that we can cheaply re-use the same sequence of indices for multiple Matrix
using tatami::NumericMatrix = Matrix<double, int> |
A convenient shorthand for the most common use case of double-precision matrices.
using tatami::ElementType = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(std::declval<Array_>()[0])>::type>::type |
Array_ | Some array of values that are accessed with [ . |
Extract the type of array elements, after stripping away references and const
using tatami::MaybeOracle = typename std::conditional<oracle_, std::shared_ptr<const Oracle<Index_> >, bool>::type |
oracle_ | Whether an oracle should be supplied. |
Index_ | Row/column index type, should be integer. |
Maybe an Oracle
, maybe a placeholder boolean, depending on oracle_
strong |
Selection of dimension elements:
: selects the full extent of the dimension, i.e., all elements.BLOCK
: selects a contiguous block of elements in the dimension.INDEX
: selects a sorted and unique array of indices of dimension elements.This corresponds to the various overloads of Matrix
methods (e.g., Matrix::dense_row()
), each of which extracts a different selection of elements from the non-target dimension.
strong |
Type of arithmetic operation.
refers to a floored division, which differs from truncation for negative quotients. This choice is based on R's %/%
, which in turn is based on a recommendation by Donald Knuth.
Similarly, x MODULO y
is defined as x - floor(x / y)
, based on the same floored division. Note that this differs from the built-in %
operator, which performs truncation.
strong |
Type of boolean operation.
strong |
Type of comparison operation.
strong |
Type of comparison operation for special IEEE values.
Types supported in SomeNumericArray
. The letters indicate whether it is an integer (I), unsigned integer (U) or a float, while the numbers specify the number of bits for the type. So, for example, U16
is an unsigned 16-bit integer, while F64
is a double
void tatami::convert_to_dense | ( | const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row_major, | ||
StoredValue_ * | store, | ||
const ConvertToDenseOptions & | options ) |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for the indices in the input. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . | |
row_major | Whether to store the output as a row-major matrix. | |
[out] | store | Pointer to an array of length equal to the product of the dimensions of matrix . On output, this is filled with values from matrix in row- or column-major format depending on row_major . |
options | Further options. |
inline |
Value_ | Type of data values in the output interface. |
Index_ | Integer type for the indices in the output interface. |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for the indices in the input. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . |
row_major | Whether to return a row-major matrix. |
options | Further options. |
with the same dimensions and type as the matrix referenced by matrix
. If row_major = true
, the matrix is row-major, otherwise it is column-major. void tatami::transpose | ( | const Input_ * | input, |
size_t | nrow, | ||
size_t | ncol, | ||
size_t | input_stride, | ||
Output_ * | output, | ||
size_t | output_stride ) |
Input_ | Input type. |
Output_ | Output type. |
[in] | input | Pointer to an array containing a row-major matrix with nrow rows and ncol columns. Elements within each row should be contiguous but consecutive rows can be separated by a constant stride, see input_stride . The array should have at least (nrow - 1) * input_stride + ncol addressable elements. |
nrow | Number of rows in the matrix stored at input . | |
ncol | Number of columns in the matrix stored at input . | |
input_stride | Distance between corresponding entries on consecutive rows of the input matrix. This should be greater than or equal to ncol . | |
[out] | output | Pointer to an array in which to store the transpose of the matrix in input . On output, this stores a row-major matrix with ncol rows and nrow columns. Elements within each row should be contiguous but consecutive rows can be separated by a constant stride, see output_stride . The array should have at least (ncol - 1) * output_stride + nrow addressable elements. It is assumed that output does not alias input . |
output_stride | Distance between corresponding entries on consecutive rows of the output matrix. This should be greater than or equal to nrow . |
This function is intended for developers of Matrix
subclasses who need to do some transposition, e.g., for dense chunks during caching. The *_stride
arguments allow input
and output
to refer to submatrices of larger arrays.
The argument descriptions refer to row-major matrices only for the sake of convenience. This function is equally applicable to column-major matrices, just replace all instances of "row" with "column" and vice versa.
void tatami::transpose | ( | const Input_ * | input, |
size_t | nrow, | ||
size_t | ncol, | ||
Output_ * | output ) |
Input_ | Input type. |
Output_ | Output type. |
[in] | input | Pointer to an array containing a row-major matrix with nrow rows and ncol columns. The array should have at least nrow * ncol addressable elements, and all elements should be stored contiguously in the array. |
nrow | Number of rows in the matrix stored at input . | |
ncol | Number of columns in the matrix stored at input . | |
[out] | output | Pointer to an array of length nrow * ncol . On output, this will hold the transpose of the matrix represented by input , i.e., a row-major matrix with ncol rows and nrow columns. It is assumed that output does not alias input . |
This function is intended for developers of Matrix
subclasses who need to do some transposition, e.g., for dense chunks during caching. Users should instead construct a DelayedTranspose
object to perform a memory-efficient delayed transposition, or use convert_to_dense()
to convert their dense data into the desired storage layout.
The argument descriptions refer to row-major matrices only for the sake of convenience. This function is equally applicable to column-major matrices, just replace all instances of "row" with "column" and vice versa.
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
inline |
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< OutputValue_, Index_ > > tatami::make_DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation | ( | std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > | left, |
std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > | right, | ||
Operation_ | op ) |
A make_*
helper function to enable partial template deduction of supplied types.
OutputValue_ | Type of the result of the operation. |
InputValue_ | Type of the value of the input matrices. |
Index_ | Type of index value. |
Operation_ | Helper class defining the operation. |
left | Pointer to a (possibly const ) Matrix . |
right | Pointer to a (possibly const ) Matrix . |
op | Instance of the operation helper class. |
clas. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::ADD, true, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricAddScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be added. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::SUBTRACT, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubtractScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the subtraction. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be subtracted. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::MULTIPLY, true, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricMultiplyScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be multiplied. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricDivideScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the division. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be divided. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::POWER, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricPowerScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the power transformation. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be power transformed. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::MODULO, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricModuloScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the modulus. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be modulo transformed. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar< ArithmeticOperation::INTEGER_DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Scalar_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIntegerDivideScalar | ( | Scalar_ | scalar | ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the integer division. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Scalar_ | Type of the scalar. |
scalar | Scalar value to be integer divided. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::ADD, true, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricAddVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to be added to the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::SUBTRACT, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubtractVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the subtraction. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to subtract from (or be subtracted by) the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::MULTIPLY, true, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricMultiplyVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to multiply the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricDivideVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the division. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to divide (or be divided by) the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::POWER, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricPowerVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the power transformation. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to use in the power transformation of the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::MODULO, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricModuloVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the modulus. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to use in the modulus of the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector< ArithmeticOperation::INTEGER_DIVIDE, right_, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIntegerDivideVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
right_ | Whether the scalar should be on the right hand side of the integer division. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector to integer divide (or be integer divided by) the rows/columns. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
inline |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
inline |
scalar | Scalar value to use in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
inline |
scalar | Scalar value to use in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
inline |
scalar | Scalar value to be used in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
inline |
scalar | Scalar value to be used in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::AND, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanAndVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be used in the operation. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::OR, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanOrVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be used in the operation. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::XOR, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanXorVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be used in the operation. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector< BooleanOperation::EQUAL, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be used in the operation. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::EQUAL, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricEqualScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Scalar value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Scalar value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanOrEqualScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Scalar value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanOrEqualScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Scalar value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricNotEqualScalar | ( | InputValue_ | scalar | ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
scalar | Scalar value to be compared. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricGreaterThanOrEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricLessThanOrEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, InputValue_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricNotEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | vector, |
bool | by_row ) |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
vector | Vector of values to be compared. |
by_row | Whether each element of vector corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISNAN, pass_, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsnan | ( | ) |
pass_ | Whether to return truthy if the matrix value is NaN. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISINF, pass_, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsinf | ( | ) |
pass_ | Whether to return truthy if the matrix value is infinite. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare< SpecialCompareOperation::ISFINITE, pass_, InputValue_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricIsfinite | ( | ) |
pass_ | Whether to return truthy if the matrix value is finite. |
InputValue_ | Type of the matrix value to use in the operation. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< OutputValue_, Index_ > > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation | ( | std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< InputValue_, Index_ > > | matrix, |
Operation_ | operation ) |
A make_*
helper function to enable partial template deduction of supplied types.
OutputValue_ | Type of matrix value after the operation. |
InputValue_ | Type of matrix value before the operation. |
Index_ | Type of index value. |
Operation_ | Helper class implementing the operation. |
matrix | Pointer to a (possibly const ) Matrix . |
operation | Instance of the operation helper class. |
class. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::EQUAL, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteEqualScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar value to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar value to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanOrEqualScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar value to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanOrEqualScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteNotEqualScalar | ( | Value_ | compared, |
Value_ | substitute ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
compared | Scalar to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Scalar value to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteGreaterThanOrEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteLessThanOrEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector< CompareOperation::NOT_EQUAL, Value_, Vector_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteNotEqualVector | ( | Vector_ | compared, |
Vector_ | substitute, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Vector_ | Type of the vector. |
compared | Vector to be compared to the matrix values. |
substitute | Vector containing values to substitute into the matrix when the comparison is true. |
by_row | Whether each element of compared and substitute corresponds to a row, see DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector . |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISNAN, pass_, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsnan | ( | Value_ | substitute | ) |
pass_ | Whether to perform the substitution if the matrix value is NaN. If false, the substitution is performed if the matrix value is not NaN. |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISINF, pass_, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsinf | ( | Value_ | substitute | ) |
pass_ | Whether to return truthy if the matrix value is infinite. If false, the substitution is performed if the matrix value is not infinite. |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. DelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute< SpecialCompareOperation::ISFINITE, pass_, Value_ > tatami::make_DelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteIsfinite | ( | Value_ | substitute | ) |
pass_ | Whether to return truthy if the matrix value is finite. If false, the substitution is performed if the matrix value is not finite. |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
in a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< ValueOut_, IndexOut_ > > tatami::make_DelayedCast | ( | std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< ValueIn_, IndexIn_ > > | p | ) |
Recast a Matrix
to a different interface type.
ValueOut_ | Data type to cast to. |
IndexOut_ | Index type to cast to. |
ValueIn_ | Data type to cast from. |
IndexIn_ | Index type to cast from. |
p | Pointer to the (possbly const ) Matrix instance to cast from. |
instance of the desired interface type. std::vector< size_t > tatami::compress_sparse_triplets | ( | size_t | nrow, |
size_t | ncol, | ||
Values_ & | values, | ||
RowIndices_ & | row_indices, | ||
ColumnIndices_ & | column_indices, | ||
bool | csr ) |
Values_ | Random-access container for the values. |
RowIndices_ | Random access container for the row indices. |
ColumnIndices_ | Random access container for the column indices. |
nrow | Number of rows. |
ncol | Number of columns. |
row_indices | Row indices of the structural non-zeros. Values must be non-negative integers less than nrow . |
column_indices | Column indices of the structural non-zeros. This must be of the same length as row_indices , where corresponding entries contain data for a single structural non-zero. Values must be non-negative integers less than ncol . |
values | Values of the structural non-zeros. This must be of the same length as row_indices and column_indices , where corresponding entries contain data for a single structural non-zero. |
csr | Whether to create a compressed sparse row format. If false , the compressed sparse column format is used instead. |
, column_indices
and values
are sorted in-place by the row and column indices (if csr = true
) or by the column and row indices (if csr = false
). A vector of index pointers is returned with length nrow + 1
(if csr = true
) or ncol + 1
(if csr = false
). void tatami::count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros | ( | const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
Count_ * | output, | ||
const CountCompressedSparseNonZerosOptions & | options ) |
Value_ | Type of value in the matrix. |
Index_ | Integer type of row/column index. |
Count_ | Integer type for the non-zero count. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . | |
row | Whether to count structural non-zeros by row. | |
[out] | output | Pointer to an array of length equal to the number of rows (if row = true ) or columns (otherwise) of matrix . On output, this stores the number of structural non-zeros in each row (if row = true ) or column (otherwise). |
options | Further options. |
For sparse matrix
, all structural non-zero elements are reported, even if they have actual values of zero. In contrast, for dense matrix
, only the non-zero values are counted; these are considered to be structural non-zeros upon conversion to a sparse matrix (e.g., in fill_compressed_sparse_contents()
void tatami::fill_compressed_sparse_contents | ( | const tatami::Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
const Pointer_ * | pointers, | ||
StoredValue_ * | output_value, | ||
StoredIndex_ * | output_index, | ||
const FillCompressedSparseContentsOptions & | options ) |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
StoredIndex_ | Integer type for storing the indices in the output. |
Pointer_ | Integer type for the row/column pointers. |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input interface. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for indices in the input interface. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . | |
row | Whether to fill output_value and output_index by row, i.e., the output represents a compressed sparse row matrix. | |
[in] | pointers | Pointer to an array of length greater than or equal to the number of rows (if row = true ) or columns (otherwise) of matrix . Each entry contains the position of the start of each row/column in output_value and output_index . This argument is equivalent to the array of pointers for the compressed sparse format (e.g., CompressedSparseContents::pointers ), and can be obtained by taking the cumulative sum of the per-row/column counts from count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros() . |
[out] | output_value | Pointer to an array of length equal to the total number of structural non-zero elements. On output, this is used to store the values of those elements in a compressed sparse format (e.g., CompressedSparseContents::value ). |
[out] | output_index | Pointer to an array of length equal to the total number of structural non-zero elements. On output, this is used to store the row/column indices of those elements in a compressed sparse format (e.g., CompressedSparseContents::index ). |
options | Further options. |
CompressedSparseContents< StoredValue_, StoredIndex_, StoredPointer_ > tatami::retrieve_compressed_sparse_contents | ( | const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
const RetrieveCompressedSparseContentsOptions & | options ) |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
StoredIndex_ | Integer type for storing the row/column indices in the output. |
StoredPointer_ | Integer type for the row/column pointers in the output. This should be large enough to hold the number of non-zero elements in matrix . |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input interface. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for indices in the input interface. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . |
row | Whether to retrieve the contents of matrix by row, i.e., the output is a compressed sparse row matrix. |
options | Further options. |
.The behavior of this function can be replicated by manually calling count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros()
followed by fill_compressed_sparse_contents()
. This may be desirable for users who want to put the compressed sparse contents into pre-existing memory allocations.
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::convert_to_compressed_sparse | ( | const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
const ConvertToCompressedSparseOptions & | options ) |
Value_ | Type of data values in the output interface. |
Index_ | Integer type for the indices in the output interface. |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
StoredIndex_ | Integer type for storing the indices in the output. |
StoredPointer_ | Integer type for the row/column pointers in the output. This should be large enough to hold the number of non-zero elements in matrix . |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input interface. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for indices in the input interface. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . |
row | Whether to return a compressed sparse row matrix. |
options | Further options. |
, with the same dimensions and type as the matrix referenced by matrix
. If row = true
, the matrix is in compressed sparse row format, otherwise it is compressed sparse column. FragmentedSparseContents< StoredValue_, StoredIndex_ > tatami::retrieve_fragmented_sparse_contents | ( | const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
const RetrieveFragmentedSparseContentsOptions & | options ) |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
StoredIndex_ | Integer type for storing the indices in the output. |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input interface. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for indices in the input interface. |
matrix | Pointer to a tatami::Matrix . |
row | Whether to retrieve the contents of matrix by row, i.e., the output is a fragmented sparse row matrix. |
options | Further options. |
. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::convert_to_fragmented_sparse | ( | const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
const ConvertToFragmentedSparseOptions & | options ) |
Value_ | Type of data values in the output interface. |
Index_ | Integer type for the indices in the output interface. |
StoredValue_ | Type of data values to be stored in the output. |
StoredIndex_ | Integer type for storing the indices in the output. |
InputValue_ | Type of data values in the input interface. |
InputIndex_ | Integer type for indices in the input interface. |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix . |
row | Whether to return a fragmented sparse row matrix. |
options | Further options. |
, with the same dimensions and type as the matrix referenced by matrix
. If row = true
, the matrix is in fragmented sparse row format, otherwise it is fragmented sparse column. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::make_DelayedSubsetBlock | ( | std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | matrix, |
Index_ | subset_start, | ||
Index_ | subset_length, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
A make_*
helper function to enable partial template deduction of supplied types.
Value_ | Type of matrix value. |
Index_ | Integer type for the row/column indices. |
matrix | Pointer to the underlying (pre-subset) Matrix . |
subset_start | Index of the start of the block. This should be a row index if by_row = true and a column index otherwise. |
subset_length | Index of the one-past-the-end of the block. |
by_row | Whether to apply the subset to the rows. If false, the subset is applied to the columns. |
instance. std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::make_DelayedSubset | ( | std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > | matrix, |
SubsetStorage_ | subset, | ||
bool | by_row ) |
A make_*
helper function to enable partial template deduction of supplied types. This will automatically dispatch to DelayedSubsetSortedUnique
, DelayedSubsetUnique
, DelayedSubsetSorted
or DelayedSubset
, depending on the values in subset
Value_ | Type of matrix value. |
Index_ | Integer type of the row/column indices. |
SubsetStorage_ | Vector containing the subset indices, to be automatically deduced. Any class implementing [ , size() , begin() and end() can be used here. |
matrix | Pointer to a (possibly const ) Matrix . |
subset | Instance of the subset index vector. |
by_row | Whether to apply the subset to the rows. If false, the subset is applied to the columns. |
instance. auto tatami::consecutive_extractor | ( | const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
Index_ | iter_start, | ||
Index_ | iter_length, | ||
Args_ &&... | args ) |
This function creates an extractor object with a ConsecutiveOracle
instance spanning a range of rows or columns. Matrix
implementations that are oracle-aware can then perform pre-fetching of future accesses for greater performance.
sparse_ | Whether to perform sparse retrieval. |
Value_ | Type of the matrix value. |
Index_ | Type of the row/column index. |
Args_ | Types of further arguments to pass to Matrix::dense_row or Matrix::dense_column . |
matrix | A tatami::Matrix to iterate over. |
row | Whether to create a row-wise extractor, i.e., the rows are the target dimension. |
iter_start | Index of the first row (if row = true ) or column (otherwise) of the iteration range. |
iter_length | Number of rows (if row = true ) or columns (otherwise) in the iteration range. |
args | Further arguments to pass to new_extractor() . |
[iter_start, iter_start + iter_length)
. This may be either an OracularDenseExtractor
or OracularSparseExtractor
depending on sparse_
. Value_ * tatami::copy_n | ( | const Value_ * | input, |
Size_ | n, | ||
Value_ * | output ) |
Value_ | Type of value being copied. |
Size_ | Type for the array length. |
[in] | input | Pointer to a source array of size n . |
n | Length of the array. | |
[out] | output | Pointer to a destination array of size n . |
to output
, and output
is returned. This is a no-op if input == output
. auto tatami::new_extractor | ( | const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > & | matrix, |
bool | row, | ||
MaybeOracle< oracle_, Index_ > | oracle, | ||
Args_ &&... | args ) |
This utility makes it easier for developers to write a single templated function that works with and without oracles. A boolean placeholder should be provided as the "oracle" in the myopic extractor case.
sparse_ | Whether to perform sparse retrieval. |
oracle_ | Whether an oracle should be supplied. |
Value_ | Data value type, should be numeric. |
Index_ | Row/column index type, should be integer. |
Args_ | Further arguments. |
[in] | matrix | A tatami::Matrix object to iterate over. |
row | Whether to create a row-wise extractor, i.e., the rows are the target dimension. | |
oracle | Pointer to an oracle if oracle_ = true , otherwise a placeholder boolean that is ignored. | |
args | Zero or more additional arguments to pass to methods like Matrix::dense_row() . |
. This may be any of MyopicDenseExtractor
, MyopicSparseExtractor
, OracularDenseExtractor
or OracularSparseExtractor
, depending on sparse_
and oracle_
. void tatami::parallelize | ( | Function_ | fun, |
Index_ | tasks, | ||
int | threads ) |
Apply a function to a set of tasks in parallel, usually for iterating over a dimension of a Matrix
. By default, this uses subpar::parallelize_range()
internally, which uses OpenMP if available and <thread>
otherwise. Advanced users can override the default parallelization mechanism by defining a TATAMI_CUSTOM_PARALLEL
function-like macro. The macro should accept the fun
, tasks
and threads
arguments as described below.
parallel_ | Whether the tasks should be run in parallel. If false , no parallelization is performed and all tasks are run on the current thread. |
Function_ | Function to be applied for a contiguous range of tasks. This should accept three arguments:
Index_ | Integer type for the number of tasks. |
fun | Function that executes a contiguous range of tasks. |
tasks | Number of tasks. |
threads | Number of threads. |
void tatami::process_consecutive_indices | ( | const Index_ * | indices, |
Index_ | length, | ||
Function_ | fun ) |
Process runs of consecutive indices that are used in the index-aware dense_row()
, sparse_column()
, etc. methods. This provides some opportunities for optimization when the indices contain contiguous stretches. For example, third-party libraries can be asked to process blocks of observations rather than handling them one at a time.
Index_ | Integer type for the row/column indices. |
Function_ | Function to apply to each contiguous run. |
indices | Pointer to an array of sorted and unique indices for row/column elements. |
length | Length of the array pointed to by indices . |
fun | Function to apply to each contiguous run of indices. This should take two arguments - the start index of each run, and the length of the run. Calls to fun are guaranteed to contain increasing start indices with non-overlapping runs. The return value of this function is ignored. |
std::shared_ptr< const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::wrap_shared_ptr | ( | const Matrix< Value_, Index_ > * | ptr | ) |
Wrap a raw pointer inside a shared_ptr
, typically to enable use of a raw tatami::Matrix
pointer with delayed operation wrappers. This enables use of delayed operations inside functions that accept a raw pointer to an externally owned tatami::Matrix
Value_ | Numeric type for the matrix value. |
Index_ | Integer type for the row/column indices. |
ptr | A pointer to a tatami::Matrix instance. |
. The assumption is that ptr
will always outlive the returned pointer.