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tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced Class Reference

Advanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation. More...

#include <mock_helpers.hpp>

Public Member Functions

template<typename OutputValue_ , typename InputValue_ , typename Index_ >
OutputValue_ fill (bool row, Index_ i) const
bool zero_depends_on_row () const
bool zero_depends_on_column () const
bool non_zero_depends_on_row () const
bool non_zero_depends_on_column () const
template<typename Index_ , typename InputValue_ , typename OutputValue_ >
void dense (bool row, Index_ i, Index_ start, Index_ length, const InputValue_ *left_buffer, const InputValue_ *right_buffer, OutputValue_ *output_buffer) const
template<typename Index_ , typename InputValue_ , typename OutputValue_ >
void dense (bool row, Index_ i, const std::vector< Index_ > &indices, const InputValue_ *left_buffer, const InputValue_ *right_buffer, OutputValue_ *output_buffer) const
template<typename Index_ , typename InputValue_ , typename OutputValue_ >
Index_ sparse (bool row, Index_ i, const SparseRange< InputValue_, Index_ > &left, const SparseRange< InputValue_, Index_ > &right, OutputValue_ *output_value, Index_ *output_index, bool report_value, bool report_index) const
bool is_sparse () const

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool is_basic = false

Detailed Description

Advanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation.

This class defines the advanced expectations for an operation in DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation, which improves efficiency by taking advantage of any sparsity in the underlying matrices. Either the operation itself preserves sparsity, or any loss of sparsity is predictable, i.e., zeros are transformed into a constant non-zero value that does not depend on its position in the Matrix.

Actual operations aren't expected to inherit from this class; this is only provided for documentation purposes. Operations only need to implement methods with the same signatures for compile-time polymorphism.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fill()

OutputValue_ tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::fill ( bool  row,
Index_  i 
) const

This method will be called with explicit OutputValue_ and InputValue_ template parameters. Implementations of this method should either ensure that Index_ is deducible or use a fixed integer type in the method signature.

Template Parameters
OutputValue_Type of the result of the operation.
InputValue_Type of the matrix value used in the operation.
Index_Type of index value.
rowWhether i refers to the row or column index.
iThe index of the row (if row = true) or column (otherwise) containing the zeros. This argument should be ignored if the operation does not depend on the row/column (i.e., when all of zero_depends_on_row() and friends return false), in which case an arbitrary placeholder may be supplied.
The result of OP(lz, rz) where OP is the operation, lz is a structural zero from the i-th row/column of the left matrix, and rz is a structural zero from the i-th row/column of the left matrix,

◆ zero_depends_on_row()

bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::zero_depends_on_row ( ) const
Whether applying the operation to a pair of structural zeros (one from each matrix) yields a value that depends on the identity of the row containing those zeros.

This method is only called when is_sparse() returns false. It is not necessary to explicitly return false here for sparsity-preserving operations, as DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation will automatically recognize such operations as being row-independent.

This method may be omitted from the class definition, in which case it is assumed to always return false.

◆ zero_depends_on_column()

bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::zero_depends_on_column ( ) const
Whether applying the operation to a pair of structural zeros (one from each matrix) yields a value that depends on the identity of the column containing those zeros.

This method is only called when is_sparse() returns false. It is not necessary to explicitly return false here for sparsity-preserving operations, as DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation will automatically recognize such operations as being row-independent.

This method may be omitted from the class definition, in which case it is assumed to always return false.

◆ non_zero_depends_on_row()

bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::non_zero_depends_on_row ( ) const
Whether the result of the operation depends on the identity of the row containing the operands, where at least one of the operands is non-zero.

This method may be omitted from the class definition, in which case it is assumed to always return false.

◆ non_zero_depends_on_column()

bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::non_zero_depends_on_column ( ) const
Whether the result of the operation depends on the identity of the column containing the operands, where at least one of the operands is non-zero.

This method may be omitted from the class definition, in which case it is assumed to always return false.

◆ dense() [1/2]

void tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::dense ( bool  row,
Index_  i,
Index_  start,
Index_  length,
const InputValue_ left_buffer,
const InputValue_ right_buffer,
OutputValue_ output_buffer 
) const

This method should apply the operation to corresponding values of left_buffer and right_buffer. These buffers represent the same element of the target dimension from the left and right matrices, respectively, in dense form. Each buffer holds values from a contiguous block of the non-target dimension.

Implementations of this method do not necessarily need to have the same template arguments as shown here. It will be called without any explicit template arguments so anything can be used as long as type deduction works.

Template Parameters
Index_Type of index value.
InputValue_Type of matrix value to be used in the operation.
OutputValue_Type of the result of the operation.
rowWhether the rows are the target dimension. If true, left_buffer and right_buffer hold the contents of the i-th row from both matrices; otherwise, they hold the contents of the i-th column.
iIndex of the extracted row (if row = true) or column (otherwise). This argument should be ignored if the operation does not depend on the row/column (i.e., when all of zero_depends_on_row() and friends return false), in which case an arbitrary placeholder may be supplied.
startStart of the contiguous block of columns (if row = true) or rows (otherwise) extracted from i.
lengthLength of the contiguous block.
[in,out]left_bufferPointer to an array containing the row/column extracted from the left matrix. This has length addressable elements, and the result of the operation should be stored here.
[in]right_bufferPointer to an array containing the row/column extracted from the right matrix. This has length addressable elements.
[out]output_bufferPointer to an array in which to store the result of the operation. This has length addressable elements. If InputValue_ == OutputValue_, this is guaranteed to be the same as left_buffer.

◆ dense() [2/2]

void tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::dense ( bool  row,
Index_  i,
const std::vector< Index_ > &  indices,
const InputValue_ left_buffer,
const InputValue_ right_buffer,
OutputValue_ output_buffer 
) const

This method should apply the operation to corresponding values of left_buffer and right_buffer, These buffers represent the same element of the target dimension from the left and right matrices, respectively, in dense form. Each buffer holds values from an indexed subset of the non-target dimension.

Implementations of this method do not necessarily need to have the same template arguments as shown here. It will be called without any explicit template arguments so anything can be used as long as type deduction works.

Template Parameters
Index_Type of index value.
InputValue_Type of matrix value to be used in the operation.
OutputValue_Type of the result of the operation.
rowWhether the rows are the target dimension. If true, left_buffer and right_buffer hold the contents of the i-th row from both matrices; otherwise, they hold the contents of the i-th column.
iIndex of the extracted row (if row = true) or column (otherwise). This argument should be ignored if the operation does not depend on the row/column (i.e., when all of zero_depends_on_row() and friends return false), in which case an arbitrary placeholder may be supplied.
indicesSorted and unique indices of columns (if row = true) or rows (otherwise) extracted from i.
[in,out]left_bufferPointer to an array containing the row/column extracted from the left matrix. This has length addressable elements, and the result of the operation should be stored here.
[in]right_bufferPointer to an array containing the row/column extracted from the right matrix. This has length addressable elements.
[out]output_bufferPointer to an array in which to store the result of the operation. This has length addressable elements. If InputValue_ == OutputValue_, this is guaranteed to be the same as left_buffer.

◆ sparse()

Index_ tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::sparse ( bool  row,
Index_  i,
const SparseRange< InputValue_, Index_ > &  left,
const SparseRange< InputValue_, Index_ > &  right,
OutputValue_ output_value,
Index_ output_index,
bool  report_value,
bool  report_index 
) const

This method applies the operation to the sparse ranges in left and right, containing values from the same element of the target dimension from the left and right matrices, respectively. Specifically, the operation only needs to be applied to the structural non-zeros, and results of the operation should be stored in the output_* buffers. Structural zeros are either ignored for sparsity-preserving operations, or the result of the operation on zeros will be populated by fill().

Template Parameters
Index_Type of index value.
InputValue_Type of matrix value to be used in the operation.
OutputValue_Type of the result of the operation.
rowWhether the rows are the target dimension. If true, left_buffer and right_buffer hold the contents of the i-th row from both matrices; otherwise, they hold the contents of the i-th column.
iIndex of the extracted row (if row = true) or column (otherwise). This argument should be ignored if the operation does not depend on the row/column (i.e., when all of zero_depends_on_row() and friends return false), in which case an arbitrary placeholder may be supplied.
leftContents of row/column i extracted from the left matrix.
rightContents of row/column i extracted from the right matrix.
[out]output_valuePointer to an array for storing output values of the operation. This is guaranteed to have enough space for the union of indices in left and right.
[out]output_indexPointer to an array for storing output indices. This is guaranteed to have enough space for the union of indices in left and right.
report_valueWhether to return the values in output_value.
report_indexWhether to return the indices in output_index.
Number of structural non-zero elements in the output_* buffers.

If report_value = true, left.value and right.value and output_value are all guaranteed to be non-NULL. Otherwise, any of these pointers may be NULL and should be ignored.

If report_index = true, output_index is guaranteed to be non-NULL; otherwise, output_index should be ignored. left.index and right.index will always return be non-NULL regardless of report_index. Indices in left.index and right.index are also guaranteed to be in ascending order.

It is expected that the results of the operation are sorted in ascending order, i.e., indices in output_index should be increasing.

The settings of report_index and report_value should not change the number or ordering of the results. That is, output_index should have the same indices regardless of report_value, and output_value should have the same values regardless of report_index. This implies that implementations should not omit structural non-zeros even if the actual value is zero, as the computation of the actual value requires report_value = true.

Note that implementations of this method do not necessarily need to have the same template arguments as shown here. It will be called without any explicit template arguments so anything can be used as long as type deduction works.

◆ is_sparse()

bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::is_sparse ( ) const
Whether this operation preserves sparsity.

Member Data Documentation

◆ is_basic

constexpr bool tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced::is_basic = false

Whether this is a basic operation. This should be false, otherwise a basic operation interface is expected (see DelayedBinaryIsometricMockBasic).

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