C++ API for different matrix representations
▼Ntatami | Flexible representations for matrix data |
CArrayView | View into a pre-allocated array |
CBlockSparsifiedWrapper | Wrap a block dense extractor in the sparse interface |
CCompressedSparseColumnMatrix | Compressed sparse column matrix |
CCompressedSparseContents | Compressed sparse contents |
CCompressedSparseMatrix | Compressed sparse matrix representation |
CCompressedSparseRowMatrix | Compressed sparse row matrix |
CConsecutiveOracle | Predict future accesses along a consecutive sequence |
CConstantMatrix | Matrix containing a constant value |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricArithmetic | Delayed binary isometric arithmetic |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricBoolean | Delayed binary isometric boolean operations |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricCompare | Delayed binary isometric comparison |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvanced | Advanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricMockBasic | Basic mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation |
CDelayedBinaryIsometricOperation | Delayed isometric operations on two matrices |
CDelayedBind | Delayed combining of a matrix |
CDelayedCast | Recast a Matrix to a different interface type |
CDelayedSubset | Delayed subsetting of a matrix with general indices |
CDelayedSubsetBlock | Delayed subsetting to a contiguous block |
CDelayedSubsetSorted | Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted indices |
CDelayedSubsetSortedUnique | Delayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted, unique indices |
CDelayedSubsetUnique | Delayed subsetting of a matrix with unique indices |
CDelayedTranspose | Delayed transposition of a matrix |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAbs | Take the absolute value of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAcos | Take the inverse cosine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAcosh | Take the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalar | Delayed unary isometric scalar arithmetic |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVector | Delayed unary isometric vector arithmetic |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAsin | Take the inverse sine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAsinh | Take the inverse hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAtan | Take the inverse tangent of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricAtanh | Take the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanCast | Delayed unary isometric boolean cast |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNot | Delayed unary isometric boolean NOT operation |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalar | Delayed unary isometric scalar boolean operation |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVector | Delayed unary isometric vector boolean operations |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricCeiling | Take the ceiling of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalar | Delayed scalar comparison |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVector | Delayed vector comparisons |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricCos | Take the cosine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricCosh | Take the hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricExp | Use a matrix entry as an exponent |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricExpm1 | Use a matrix entry as an exponent minus 1 |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricFloor | Take the floor of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricGamma | Apply the gamma function to a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricLgamma | Apply the log-gamma function to a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricLog | Take the logarithm of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricLog1p | Take the logarithm of a matrix entry plus 1 |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricMockAdvanced | Advanced mock operation for DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricMockBasic | Basic mock operation for a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricOperation | Delayed isometric operation on a single matrix |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricRound | Round a matrix entry to the nearest integer |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSign | Take the sign of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSin | Take the sine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSinh | Take the hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompare | Delayed special value comparison |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstitute | Delayed special value substitution |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSqrt | Take the square root of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalar | Delayed scalar substitution |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVector | Delayed vector comparisons |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricTan | Take the tangent of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricTanh | Take the hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry |
CDelayedUnaryIsometricTrunc | Integer truncation of a matrix entry |
CDenseColumnMatrix | Dense column-major matrix |
CDenseMatrix | Dense matrix representation |
CDenseRowMatrix | Dense row-major matrix |
CFixedVectorOracle | Predict future accesses from a vector containing a fixed sequence |
CFixedViewOracle | Predict future accesses from a view on a fixed sequence |
CFragmentedSparseColumnMatrix | Fragmented sparse column matrix |
CFragmentedSparseContents | Fragmented sparse contents |
CFragmentedSparseMatrix | Fragmented sparse matrix representation |
CFragmentedSparseRowMatrix | Fragmented sparse row matrix |
CFullSparsifiedWrapper | Wrap a full dense extractor in the sparse interface |
Chas_data | Compile time check for the data() method |
Chas_data< T, V, decltype((void) std::declval< V >().data(), 0)> | Compile time check for the data() method |
CIndexSparsifiedWrapper | Wrap an indexed dense extractor in the sparse interface |
CMatrix | Virtual class for a matrix |
CMyopicDenseExtractor | Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form without an oracle |
CMyopicSparseExtractor | Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form without an oracle |
COptions | Options for accessing data from a Matrix instance |
COracle | Predict future access requests on the target dimension |
COracularDenseExtractor | Extract an element of the target dimension in dense form with an oracle |
COracularSparseExtractor | Extract an element of the target dimension in sparse form with an oracle |
CPseudoOracularDenseExtractor | Mimic the OracularDenseExtractor interface |
CPseudoOracularSparseExtractor | Mimic the OracularSparseExtractor interface |
▼CSomeNumericArray | Array of some numeric type, determined at runtime |
CIterator | Random-access iterator class |
CSparseRange | A range of a sparse vector |