C++ API for different matrix representations
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NtatamiFlexible representations for matrix data
 CArrayViewView into a pre-allocated array
 CBlockSparsifiedWrapperWrap a block dense extractor in the sparse interface
 CCompressedSparseColumnMatrixCompressed sparse column matrix
 CCompressedSparseContentsCompressed sparse contents
 CCompressedSparseMatrixCompressed sparse matrix representation
 CCompressedSparseRowMatrixCompressed sparse row matrix
 CConsecutiveOraclePredict future accesses along a consecutive sequence
 CConstantMatrixMatrix containing a constant value
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricArithmeticDelayed binary isometric arithmetic
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricBooleanDelayed binary isometric boolean operations
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricCompareDelayed binary isometric comparison
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricMockAdvancedAdvanced mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricMockBasicBasic mock operation for DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation
 CDelayedBinaryIsometricOperationDelayed isometric operations on two matrices
 CDelayedBindDelayed combining of a matrix
 CDelayedCastRecast a Matrix to a different interface type
 CDelayedSubsetDelayed subsetting of a matrix with general indices
 CDelayedSubsetBlockDelayed subsetting to a contiguous block
 CDelayedSubsetSortedDelayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted indices
 CDelayedSubsetSortedUniqueDelayed subsetting of a matrix with sorted, unique indices
 CDelayedSubsetUniqueDelayed subsetting of a matrix with unique indices
 CDelayedTransposeDelayed transposition of a matrix
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAbsTake the absolute value of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAcosTake the inverse cosine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAcoshTake the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticScalarDelayed unary isometric scalar arithmetic
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricArithmeticVectorDelayed unary isometric vector arithmetic
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAsinTake the inverse sine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAsinhTake the inverse hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAtanTake the inverse tangent of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricAtanhTake the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanCastDelayed unary isometric boolean cast
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanNotDelayed unary isometric boolean NOT operation
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanScalarDelayed unary isometric scalar boolean operation
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricBooleanVectorDelayed unary isometric vector boolean operations
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricCeilingTake the ceiling of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricCompareScalarDelayed scalar comparison
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricCompareVectorDelayed vector comparisons
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricCosTake the cosine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricCoshTake the hyperbolic cosine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricExpUse a matrix entry as an exponent
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricExpm1Use a matrix entry as an exponent minus 1
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricFloorTake the floor of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricGammaApply the gamma function to a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricLgammaApply the log-gamma function to a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricLogTake the logarithm of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricLog1pTake the logarithm of a matrix entry plus 1
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricMockAdvancedAdvanced mock operation for DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricMockBasicBasic mock operation for a DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricOperationDelayed isometric operation on a single matrix
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricRoundRound a matrix entry to the nearest integer
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSignTake the sign of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSinTake the sine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSinhTake the hyperbolic sine of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialCompareDelayed special value comparison
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSpecialSubstituteDelayed special value substitution
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSqrtTake the square root of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteScalarDelayed scalar substitution
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricSubstituteVectorDelayed vector comparisons
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricTanTake the tangent of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricTanhTake the hyperbolic tangent of a matrix entry
 CDelayedUnaryIsometricTruncInteger truncation of a matrix entry
 CDenseColumnMatrixDense column-major matrix
 CDenseMatrixDense matrix representation
 CDenseRowMatrixDense row-major matrix
 CFixedVectorOraclePredict future accesses from a vector containing a fixed sequence
 CFixedViewOraclePredict future accesses from a view on a fixed sequence
 CFragmentedSparseColumnMatrixFragmented sparse column matrix
 CFragmentedSparseContentsFragmented sparse contents
 CFragmentedSparseMatrixFragmented sparse matrix representation
 CFragmentedSparseRowMatrixFragmented sparse row matrix
 CFullSparsifiedWrapperWrap a full dense extractor in the sparse interface
 Chas_dataCompile time check for the data() method
 Chas_data< T, V, decltype((void) std::declval< V >().data(), 0)>Compile time check for the data() method
 CIndexSparsifiedWrapperWrap an indexed dense extractor in the sparse interface
 CMatrixVirtual class for a matrix
 CMyopicDenseExtractorExtract an element of the target dimension in dense form without an oracle
 CMyopicSparseExtractorExtract an element of the target dimension in sparse form without an oracle
 COptionsOptions for accessing data from a Matrix instance
 COraclePredict future access requests on the target dimension
 COracularDenseExtractorExtract an element of the target dimension in dense form with an oracle
 COracularSparseExtractorExtract an element of the target dimension in sparse form with an oracle
 CPseudoOracularDenseExtractorMimic the OracularDenseExtractor interface
 CPseudoOracularSparseExtractorMimic the OracularSparseExtractor interface
 CSomeNumericArrayArray of some numeric type, determined at runtime
 CIteratorRandom-access iterator class
 CSparseRangeA range of a sparse vector