C++ API for different matrix representations
No Matches
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
ncol() :
tatami::CompressedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueStorage_, IndexStorage_, PointerStorage_ >
tatami::ConstantMatrix< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >
tatami::DelayedBind< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedCast< ValueOut_, IndexOut_, ValueIn_, IndexIn_ >
tatami::DelayedSubset< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetBlock< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetSorted< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetSortedUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedTranspose< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >
tatami::DenseMatrix< Value_, Index_, Storage_ >
tatami::FragmentedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueVectorStorage_, IndexVectorStorage_ >
tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ >
non_zero_depends_on_column() :
non_zero_depends_on_row() :
nrow() :
tatami::CompressedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueStorage_, IndexStorage_, PointerStorage_ >
tatami::ConstantMatrix< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedBinaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >
tatami::DelayedBind< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedCast< ValueOut_, IndexOut_, ValueIn_, IndexIn_ >
tatami::DelayedSubset< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetBlock< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetSorted< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetSortedUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedSubsetUnique< Value_, Index_, SubsetStorage_ >
tatami::DelayedTranspose< Value_, Index_ >
tatami::DelayedUnaryIsometricOperation< OutputValue_, InputValue_, Index_, Operation_ >
tatami::DenseMatrix< Value_, Index_, Storage_ >
tatami::FragmentedSparseMatrix< Value_, Index_, ValueVectorStorage_, IndexVectorStorage_ >
tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ >
number :
tatami::SparseRange< Value_, Index_ >
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