C++ API for different matrix representations
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convert_to_compressed_sparse.hpp File Reference

Convert a matrix into a compressed sparse format. More...

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struct  tatami::CompressedSparseContents< Value_, Index_, Pointer_ >
 Compressed sparse contents. More...


namespace  tatami
 Flexible representations for matrix data.


template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Count_ >
void tatami::count_compressed_sparse_non_zeros (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > *matrix, bool row, Count_ *output, int threads)
template<typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ , typename Pointer_ , typename StoredValue_ , typename StoredIndex_ >
void tatami::fill_compressed_sparse_contents (const tatami::Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > *matrix, bool row, const Pointer_ *pointers, StoredValue_ *output_value, StoredIndex_ *output_index, int threads)
template<typename StoredValue_ , typename StoredIndex_ , typename StoredPointer_ = size_t, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ >
CompressedSparseContents< StoredValue_, StoredIndex_, StoredPointer_tatami::retrieve_compressed_sparse_contents (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > *matrix, bool row, bool two_pass, int threads=1)
template<typename Value_ = double, typename Index_ = int, typename StoredValue_ = Value_, typename StoredIndex_ = Index_, typename InputValue_ , typename InputIndex_ >
std::shared_ptr< Matrix< Value_, Index_ > > tatami::convert_to_compressed_sparse (const Matrix< InputValue_, InputIndex_ > *matrix, bool row, bool two_pass=false, int threads=1)

Detailed Description

Convert a matrix into a compressed sparse format.