Utilities for testing tatami libraries
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 create_indexed_subset.hppCreate an indexed subset of dimension elements
 fetch.hppFetch a row/column into a vector
 ForcedOracleWrapper.hppForcibly use oracular extraction
 ReversedIndicesWrapper.hppReverse sparse indices during extraction
 simulate_compressed_sparse.hppSimulate compressed sparse matrix contents
 simulate_vector.hppSimulate a random vector
 tatami_test.hppUmbrella header for tatami_test
 test_access.hppTest access patterns on a tatami::Matrix
 test_unsorted_access.hppTest unsorted sparse access on a tatami::Matrix
 throws_error.hppCheck that an error is thrown