Multiply tatami matrices
No Matches
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
tatami_mult.hpp File Reference

Multiplication of tatami matrices. More...

#include "tatami/tatami.hpp"
#include "dense_row.hpp"
#include "sparse_row.hpp"
#include "dense_column.hpp"
#include "sparse_column.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  tatami_mult::Options
 Options for multiply(). More...


namespace  tatami_mult
 Multiplication of tatami matrices.


template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Right_ , typename Output_ >
void tatami_mult::multiply (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &left, const Right_ *right, Output_ *output, const Options &opt)
template<typename Left_ , typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Output_ >
void tatami_mult::multiply (const Left_ *left, const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &right, Output_ *output, const Options &opt)
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Right_ , typename Output_ >
void tatami_mult::multiply (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &left, const std::vector< Right_ * > &right, const std::vector< Output_ * > &output, const Options &opt)
template<typename Left_ , typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Output_ >
void tatami_mult::multiply (const std::vector< Left_ * > &left, const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &right, const std::vector< Output_ * > &output, const Options &opt)
template<typename LeftValue_ , typename LeftIndex_ , typename RightValue_ , typename RightIndex_ , typename Output_ >
void tatami_mult::multiply (const tatami::Matrix< LeftValue_, LeftIndex_ > &left, const tatami::Matrix< RightValue_, RightIndex_ > &right, Output_ *output, const Options &opt)

Detailed Description

Multiplication of tatami matrices.