
Version 0.3.1

  • Cast to/from uintptr_t so that downstream packages aren’t forced to rely on pybind11 converters.

  • Added a mattress.h to ensure developers use the correct types during casting.

  • Shift all responsibility for GC protection to C++ via the new mattress::BoundMatrix class.

Version 0.3.0

  • Switch to pybind11 for the Python/C++ interface, with CMake for the build system.

  • Updated to use the latest versions of the tatami libraries in assorthead.

  • Renamed tatamize() to initialize() and TatamiNumericPointer to InitializedMatrix.

  • Added an initialize() method for SparseNdarray objects from delayedarray.

Version 0.2.0

Compatibility with NumPy 2.0

Version 0.1 - 0.1.6

Bindings to the mattress package.